- Virginia Venture Fund

Description: Giving UVA students real-world private equity and venture capital experience

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Giving UVA students real-world VC and PE experience

The Virginia Venture Fund’s (VVF) mission is to educate students about the buy side industry by giving them real world experience from early on in their time at UVA. VVF gives students hands-on experience by conducting semester-long projects with venture capital, growth equity, and private equity firms where students complete due diligence and deal sourcing for partner firms. VVF also hosts an annual VC/PE due diligence competition for undergraduate students around the nation. Finally, VVF aims to support u

Aryan is a third-year from Vienna, VA majoring in Econ and Commerce. Outside of VVF, Aryan is also involved with Virginia Consulting Group, Survivor at UVA, and serves as a DJ for WXTJ Student Radio.

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