- Ebola Disease Basics | Ebola | CDC

Description: Learn about Ebola disease, where it occurs, how it spreads, and how to protect yourself.

bat (318) viruses (106) outbreak (53) sub-saharan africa (22) evd (11) direct contact (4) nonhuman primates (2) ebola virus disease viral hemorrhagic fevers infected animal

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Search Submit Ebola Disease Section Navigation CDC Home Ebola Disease Minus Related Pages Ebola disease is caused by an infection with one of a group of viruses, known as ebolaviruses, that are found primarily in sub-Saharan Africa. Although Ebola disease is rare, people can get the disease through contact with an infected animal (bat or nonhuman primate) or a sick or dead person infected with an ebolavirus. Learn more about Ebola disease.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the Ebola vaccine, ERVEBO ® , for the prevention of Ebola disease. ERVEBO vaccine has been found to be safe and protective against only the  Zaire ebolavirus species of ebolavirus.

September 2022 Uganda, Mubende District

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