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The Vishwa Mallakhamb Federation (VMF) is a non-profit organization formed in 2016 committed to promote the sport, Mallakhamb, showcase its health benefits and oversee competitions

This federation works for developing the sport of Mallakhamb. This governing authority aims at the maximum promotion of the sport and a progressive pathway for all players, coaches and other authorities in the game. It regularly conducts International Level Competitions, demonstrations and judging exams across the world. It also encourages and promotes Mallakhamb training camps conducted by various units affiliated and associated with VMF. This association conducts competitions abiding by the rules of the s

Mallakhamb, the Ancient Traditional Indian Physical Culture, is now, one of the ‘fastest growing traditional sports’ in the world. Although, Mallakhamb started as a complementary exercise for wrestling, it soon proved to be complementary exercise for all other sports disciplines, as it improves strength, stamina, speed, endurance, flexibility, neuro – muscular coordination, balance, confidence, courage, and many more abilities. It is a martial art, competitive sport, performing art, a fitness sport, dynamic