- Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce - Love The LifeHome - Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce - Love the Life

Description: The Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce is a professional association of business people that has the prime purpose of advancing the business, commercial & industrial interests of the area while supporting the local community

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 The Myrtleford Chamber of Commerce is a professional association of business people that has the prime purpose of advancing the business, commercial & industrial interests of the area while supporting the local community.

We lobby representing and defending the views of the business community to all levels of government as well as other authorities and organisations.

Our Chamber of Commerce is structured as like most committees, with a President, Secretary and Treasurer and Executive Committee and is not-for-profit organisation. As an incorporated body it is governed by statement of purposes and rules. Meetings are normally held after hours once a month and alternate between an Executive Meeting and a General Meeting.  

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