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Home Privacy Policy Contact Us About Us Gaming accessories Online Gaming Pc Gaming Sitemap Blogs Pc Gaming Guide to Building a Gaming Computer A Gaming Computer, also known as gaming PC, is a personal computer that is capable of playing computationally and graphically demanding video games. They are very similar to conventional computers with the exception that these machines are fitted with performance-oriented video card and other specifications. This type of computers can be easily bought in the market b

If you’re an old-school PC player like me, you probably favour a gamepad over a mouse and keyboard set-up. In some games, a controller has its benefits, but nothing compares to the versatility of having a variety of keys at your disposal. There are several options available when it comes to keyboards developed exclusively for gamers today. Today’s manufacturers offer […]

The “Wikipedia problem” which means children turning to internet for readymade answers is the new age phenomenon baffling teachers and mentors globally. There are almost equal numbers of teachers who consider technology to be a solution as much as a problem. While a common belief is that technology is hindering the students’ capacity to think and analyze, there is also […]

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