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Example domain paragraphs

With millions of automobiles traversing our streets, avenues, roads and highways; accidents are bound to happen, sooner or later, to everyone, anywhere, and at a moment least expected. In fact, about 6 million vehicular accidents happen in the United States, every year, which render about 4 million people injured; about 60,000 fatal.The word accident means: an unintentional and unplanned event. However, legally speaking, most accidents could have been prevented, had the circumstances leading up to them, bee

Under modern criminal law, the term “Crime” does not have a universally accepted single definition. However, in everyday language, one could define “crime” as an act committed or omitted, in violation of a public law, which either prohibits the doing of a specific act or commanding it to be done.While, every crime must be a violation of a law, not every violation of a law is a crime. For instance, breach of an enforceable contract provision is a violation of the contract law, but it is not automatically pun

Here at Chosen Lawyers, we believe, Immigration is a Human Right, and the very thread that weaves together the progressive fabric of Human Creativity, Civilization and Compassionate Co-Existence!