- Vitry Enfants Ltd

Description: We are a London-based family office investing in small-cap businesses in the UK on behalf on the Benoit de Vitry family funds.

de (7900) enfants (1559) benoit (79) vitry (12)

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We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses Get in Touch We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses We are a London based family office investing small-cap businesses We are a London based family o

Majority Control Management Continuity & Buy-ins Proven and Sustainable Business Model Management Continuity & Buy-ins Management Continuity & Buy-ins Management Continuity & Buy-ins Management Continuity & Buy-ins Management Continuity & Buy-ins Our Sectors Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Forestry Health & Wellness Health & Wellness Renewables Health & Wellness Real Estate Real Estate Precision Engineering Real Estate Precision Engineering Precision Engineering Precision Engineering C

Benoit received an MSc from M.I.T. and a diplôme d'ingénieur de l’Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées.