- vives voies

Description: vives voies est une association qui œuvre au quotidien pour inventer et partager des projets qui explorent les mondes des sciences humaines et sociales, de la culture, des solidarités et du design.

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Intentions Projets Savoir-faire Contact who we are and what we do English vives voies vives voies is an association that works daily to invent and share projects that explore the worlds of human and social sciences, arts, digital humanities, solidarity and design.

Founded in 2020 by two researchers (a designer-anthropologist and a sociologist), vives voies is a structure for producing and conducting projects (research-action/experimentation, artistic, socio-cultural, etc.) while inventing singular methodological frameworks at the crossroads of anthropology, design, arts and digital humanities. Our approach aims to accompany various actors on subjects that are sometimes emerging, often sensitive, but always linked to the person, his or her history, fragilities and cap

Fondée en 2021, vives voies est une structure permettant de produire et de mener des projets (de recherche-action/expérimentation, artistiques, éditoriaux et/ou socio-culturels) tout en inventant des cadres méthodologiques originaux à la croisée des sciences sociales, du design et des arts politiques.

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