- Vivo beauty – Vivo Beauty and Spa- Mississauga and Brampton

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The name VIVO means to live and feel alive and reflects our trust that when you feel beautiful, you feel VIVO! Here at Vivo we have devoted time, efforts and talent to Redefining Beauty. We utilize unique methods and techniques to enhance your inner beauty. It’s a simple plan: to offer a wide range of spa and beauty treatments and products, at prices everyone can afford and with no compromise in standards or service.

AT VIVO We offer a wide variety of top quality services to fit your needs. Our experienced staff of Hair Stylist, Hair Color Experts, and Experienced Aestheticians will help you determine the best services to meet your needs. Rest assured, we deliver the kind of quality and value that’s expected from a professional high-end salon and spa. We are proud to use only the best products available in the market when providing services to our valued customers. Let us customize your look and bring that beauty to you

I would like to congratulate you on your excellent service and professionalism at all times at Vivo Beauty.  I have been a customer since you opened your business in Mississauga and can highly recommend it as the best in Mississauga!