- Vizhinjam Port Project: Latest News and Articles | Latest development | vizhinjam harbour | vizhinjam container terminal

Description: Largest port in India, the ports handling capacity is envisaged to be 4.1 million TEU/annum at the completion of the Project and would cater to 12000 TEU vessels.

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Vizhinjam is a coastal Town in Thiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) District of Kerala state, South India.Vizhinjam, ‘Port of the Future’ is located at 8021’N and 770 0’ E on the west coast of India and has a number of inherent strength as a port. The Port is merely a 10 NM diversion from international east-west shipping route and is also close to national/regional road and rail network.  The sea is 23 to 27 metres deep at the proposed site. This would facilitate berthing of large container ships. As India now d

About 250-275 hectares (600 to 700 acres) would be made available through reclamation of the sea. The port would have two breakwaters of 1.5 km and 6 km with harbour basin and wharfs. There would be about 30 berths, most of which would be capable of handling Mother Vessels. There was high potential for a new port as India needs additional capacity in the coming years. Thus Vizhinjam port has very high importance from this point of view. The port handling capacity is envisaged to be 4.1 million TEU/annum at

Vizhinjam international seaport project will be completed and commissioned in 2023, the Minister...