Description: The VMELinux Project serves to help integrators use Linux in their VMEbus embedded systems. VMELinux(tm) provides drivers and programs that run Linux in your embedded VMEbus Universe computer providing full access to the VME environment.
linux (7757) embedded (752) industrial computer (61) vme (44) pentium (21) backplane (17) vmebus (5) vme64 (2) vme64x (2) vmelinux (1)
CVS Repository | Downloads | Versions | Bug Reports | Linux VME HOWTO
Be a user Use a stable version of VMELinux in your next VME application Ask questions, find help and report your results with the vmelinux-users email list . Also report bugs to the Bug Reporting System so the developers can refine the release versions - currently 1.2.x
Be a Programmer (C and C++) Become a developer of VMELinux with these steps: First - Verify you have the tools to communicate with a CVS server. Second - Verify you have the Universe chip in your VMEbus target processor. Third - Create an account in the Bug Reporting System , Fourth - Send me an email so I can create a CVS account for your code and upgrade your Bug Track account from reporter to developer.