Description: Voice Atlas™ is an enterprise-grade generative AI conversational search and insight engine that allows anyone to create and share unique and specific knowledge sets.
voice (2347) knowledge (1243) atlas (858) natural language (27) question answering (20) share knowledge (8) voice bot (6) knowledge sets (1) organization knowledge (1) knowledge set (1)
With Voice Atlas you will always be there with the answers.
Voice Atlas™ allows anyone to create and share unique and specific knowledge sets. With no coding, no model training necessary and secure by design, organizations can setup, customize and deploy a bot in any website, integrate with productivity tools they already use or bring their own and connect it through our secure API.
Connect Voice Atlas to the productivity and instant messaging tools you already use. Chat with your Atlas through our integrations with minimal setup. Connect your own tool using our API integration to get the most from Voice Atlas.