vojtechsemerad.com - Vojtěch Semerád | Tenor

Description: Discover Vojtěch Semerád tenor on his Singer Portfolio homepage. Learn about his latest release, biography and get in touch.

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About Vojtěch Semerád is a graduate of the Prague Conservatory , the Faculty of Pedagogy of Charles University in Prague (choirmastering) and the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique in Paris (baroque violin with François Fernandez). He is a finalist of the Telemann- Wettbewerb International Competition in Magdeburg. He has been trained as a singer since 2010 throughout private lessons (with teachers such as Chantal Santon Jeffery, Peter Kooij, Poppy Holden) and masterclasses.

As a solo singer, Vojtěch Semerád is invited by renowned ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants, Ensemble Correspondances, Wroclaw Baroque Orchestra, Vox Luminis or Huelgas Ensemble , with whom he performs at major international venues and festivals such as Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Park Avenue Armory New York, Logan Center Chicago,  Concertgebouw Rotterdam, Wigmore Hall London, Palau de la Música Barcelona, etc. He has taken part in several opera productions, and has recently sung Histoires Sacrés

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