- Chad Magendanz for Senate

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Thank you for taking the time to visit my website and learn more about my 2022 re-election campaign for the Washington State House of Representatives, which I held from 2013-17.

As an officer in the U.S. Navy, I pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic…and I am still delivering on that promise today. I see challenges to our cherished way of life in unsustainable government spending, the decline of our schools, the over-regulation of our businesses, and everyday erosion of our constitutional rights.

During my career at Microsoft, I personally represented the company to U.S. senators and congressional staff, state attorneys general, hundreds of Fortune 500 CEOs, and thousands of industry insiders. As president of the Issaquah School Board, I represented the school district’s 17,831 students and 59,358 voters and supervised its $294 million annual budget.