- Vương Đạo Hoàng

Description: Information about architect Vuong Dao Hoang, founder of Kien Viet, Top 10 Awards, and creator of Vietnamese creative community activities

public art (585) creative community (371) pavilion (163) kien viet (2) vuong dao hoang (1)

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HOANG , VUONG DAO  ARCHITECT,  WRITER,  PUBLIC ART DEVELOPER Trained as an architect but self-trained to become an expert in the field of communications with strategic thinking, thereby developing Vietnam's largest news channel on architecture & design Hoang is also a developer of public art projects in Vietnam with many pavilions built and making a big splash. He is the founder and head of the organizing committee of the Top 10 Awards - a prestigious award in the design and architecture c

Handphone: + 84978801711

Email: [email protected]

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