vytautaskumza.com - Vytautas Kumža

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I heard the noise of a shattering window, but I didn't find any glass on the floor: ‘Maybe, something broke inside me. My body is a shattered window'.

'Objects in the mirror are closer, then they appear' is the first solo exhibition of Lithuanian artist Vytautas Kumža at Galerie Martin van Zomeren. It tackles the spatial, situational, and sculptural possibilities given by the passage of a presence, which already becomes an absence. The exhibition is an assemblage of manipulated situations that question those doubts arising after a breaking-in scene: 'When did it start? How did it end?'. The objects and the space are irreversibly marked by this incident re

Kumža shows a series of new twisted photographic works combined with sculptural objects and installations in the space. The practice behind the exhibition presents a possible dialogue between glass and photography: the glass is the tool for preserving a print, like a screen. But, in this case, it instigates the sharpness and potential harmfulness given by its physical element. In this exhibition, the glass, the invisible presence preceding the photographs, becomes visible, present, as a scalpel cutting the