vzduch.co - Vzduch | Everything about me are here! Every links.

Description: Vzduch Jan ér Novák Everything about me are here! Jsem umělec, fotograf a mentor... Luxusní obrazy pro sběratele z celého světa. České Budějovice, Praha.

sport (23765) coach (8888) fotograf (7253) reklama (2219) praha (2132) české budějovice (316) portrét (101) trenér (54) reportáž (44) vzduch jan ér novák (1)

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ENG CZE Idea Factory. Vzduch Jan ér Novák Artist. + more Photographer - more COACH / MENTOR , more UNIVERSAL founder - more BRANDMAKER . more FIELD GYM co-founder . more Design & Colorgrading / more Advertising + more Weddings _ more

Hello, I create unique and exclusive art pieces for collectors worldwide. The value of these artworks increases with each sold piece, and believe me, there's a very interesting story and future plans behind it all. So, if you're in search of artwork with soul, you've come to the right place. I categorize my creations into two main styles - "Brush lines" and "In my Mind" . The first is a sophisticated fusion of photography with delicate brush strokes, while the latter develops captivating stories through sub

Hello, I'm a Czech photographer born in 1989, and I've been capturing moments for almost 20 years now. Throughout this time, my goal has been to bring joy to people through photography, immortalizing their emotions, life events, and even their work. Over the years, I've been honored with some prestigious global awards, but shh, I continue to work on myself with humility. There's always more to learn and improve. My focus is on quality, not quantity. The experiences gathered over the years significantly spee

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