Description: American Victory Radio Club W4AVM/KKUI
tampa bay (516) radio club (45) museum ship (6) w4avm (2) kkui (2) american victory (2)
The 100 watt club station, W4AVM, is often on the air, especially on weekends, with ICOM and Yaesu Radios, MFJ manual tuners, a G5RV antenna at about 110' above the water and a 10m - 40m vertical mounted on the 03 deck.
KKUI is the commercial wireless station on the S S American Victory Listen on 500 Khz CW for KKUI. Best activity/listening times are 16:00z to 21:00z Saturday afternoons.
The Marine Radio Station, KKUI, operates on all the Marine CW frequencies and gets a workout from our retired Merchant Marine Radio Operators.