w4yqy.com - Welcome to the Shack of W4YQY

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Hello and Welcome into the shack of W4YQY, Dal located in Eden, NC! Perhaps you are one of the unlucky souls who has just stumbled across my shack or maybe we have worked on one of the many Nets that I frequent such as the OMISS, Navy Amateur Radio Club, 10-10 International, QCWA, or several others. For those of you wondering how I keep the Operating Station looking in order as in the above QSL, you can stop wondering. Trust me it is a big mess right now. The picture was taken when I had just re-arranged ev

The main station is made up of a Icom 746-Pro with a Heil Goldine GM-4 Mic, Yaesu YS-2000 SWT/Wattmeter, Kenwood TL-922A Amp, MFJ-986 Tuner on to a Bird 43 Watt Meter and then to a Ameritron RCS-8V Remote Antenna Switch feeding a variety of Antennas. The most used antennas are a Cushcraft A3S Tribander for 10, 15, and 20 Meters, 40 Meter Dipole, 80 Meter Dipole, and a Radio Wavz G5RV. The Tribander sits on top of a Rohn 25 equipped with a Hazer at about 60 foot above ground level. The Wire Antennas are just

For those of you who stayed around and read down this far, please keep in mind that this site is and will probably always be a 'Work In Progress' and just being created April 2012. For now I will add a few pages with some pictures and information that I wanted to pass along to all including the History behind the 'Original' W4YQY and W4BJF as well as some of Groups that I am a member of and some of the Activities. Please bear with me and I will update as time and the mood hits me.........