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What Russia has maintained and what was pretty apparent was that this [Donbass] was a de facto NATO base inside Ukraine, which is technically not a member of NATO, so you’re talking about de facto NATOization being the main factor in this war,,,I mean for Russia. This war was predicated by NATO’s appetite for eastern expansion of the expansion eastward to include Ukraine..

“Since armies can reach each other regardless of the thousands of miles which lie between them friends have to show that they are just as independent from spatial distances as enemies so let’s continue shooting our long-distance missiles of friendship to each other in order to show that those who are inventive only in order to destroy that we are just as able to nullify space as they are.” Gunter Anders

Worthy victims allow citizens to see themselves as empathetic, compassionate, and just. Worthy victims are an effective tool to demonize the aggressor. They are used to obliterate nuance and ambiguity.