warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk - Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire

Description: The Warwickshire Police and Crime Commissioner ensures the policing needs of the community is met as effectively as possible, bringing the community closer to the police, building confidence in the system and restoring trust.

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Philip Seccombe was re-elected for a second term as Police and Crime Commissioner for Warwickshire in May 2021, having first been elected in 2016. This term of office will run until May 2024.

His key priorities are to maximise the numbers of police officers serving the county, while also ensuring victims and witnesses are at the heart of the criminal justice system.  He has pledged to deliver a balanced budget, ensuring policing is well-funded but also delivers value for taxpayers and does not spend more than it receives.

He also funds a wide range of initiatives designed to improve community safety, reduce crime, rehabilitate offenders and help people to improve their security.

Links to warwickshire-pcc.gov.uk (7)