washingtoncrossingbrewfest.com - Washington Crossing Brewfest

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Attend the first, and best, beer festival of the season in Bucks County, PA! Taking place at Washington Crossing Historic Park for its 13th year, Brewfest is on Saturday, May 4 from 12:30 to 4:30 PM. 

This year, we have expanded upon our wide selection of IPA’s, allowing you to sample a variety of beer and brewed malt beverages - including hard ciders, kombuchas, seltzers, spiked teas, and others throughout the day. Your ticket includes a souvenir sampling cup and two-ounce pours from a variety of craft and commercial breweries. 

Hear live music from First Highland Watch , a rock and roll bagpipe band, as well as the park’s Fife and Drum Corps . Eat mouthwatering food from vendors in a beautiful wooded setting overlooking the Delaware River. This is a volunteer run event and all proceeds help the Friends of Washington Crossing Park educate the public, promote history, and preserve the park for future generations.

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