wasp-workshop.github.io - WASP - Workshop on Attacks and Software Protection @ ESORICS 2023

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security (9957) conference (4454) wasp (81) software protection (51) attacks (34) esorics (2)

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With the ever-increasing spread of software attacks, the need for software protection has become more crucial than ever. In recent years, we have witnessed a rise in cyber attacks targeting software and the valuable information it holds, leading to significant financial and reputational damage to businesses and individuals alike.

The Workshop on Attacks and Software Protection ( WASP ), co-located with ESORICS 2023 , aims to bring together experts and researchers in the field of software protection to share their insights and ideas on the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in this area. Specifically, WASP focuses on program protection and reverse engineering techniques that can be used for both legitimate and malicious purposes, such as malware research and analysis, and protection schemes for intellectual property and com

The anticipated benefits to the community include a deeper understanding of software security, new research directions, and practical insights to improve the protection of software. This workshop will provide a forum for lively discussions, knowledge sharing, and networking among participants, and will foster collaborations and partnerships between academia and industry.

Links to wasp-workshop.github.io (2)