waste-exchange.net - Waste Materials Markets - Waste.net - if you are not recycling you are throwing it all away, waste diversion

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Welcome to Waste.net Waste.net was established in an effort to promote a better understanding about waste materials and to act as a tool to assist in finding a market for scrap, waste and by-products. Waste is a resource and a source for the recovery of strategic materials.

We believe as rational human beings we must accept the ultimate responsibility to leave future generations with a safe and sound environment and a world that has not been depleted of its resources. Please tell us how we may Assist You .

In an effort to provide a simplified overview of waste recycling and resource recovery, Waste.net has compiled information designed to promote a better understanding of the current state of the industry. This information allows you to walk through the basics of Recycling 101 and the 4R's Strategy in an attempt to navigate through the evolving concepts of Recovery 2.0 in the electrification and carbon neutral transition. We find that many people may never have had the opportunity to be exposed to the complex