watthead.org - WattHead - Energy News and Commentary

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Delivering news, original analysis, and opinionated commentary on the critical transition to a clean and prosperous energy future. [ Topics include: energy policy, climate change, global warming, renewable energy, alternative vehicles and fuels, energy efficiency, and more... ]

Dear readers, WattHead is currently on hiatus. These days, you can find Jesse Jenkins' writing at several sites: The Breakthrough Institute TheEnergyCollective.com National Journal - Energy Forum Forbes.com - Energy Source blog You can also keep up with Jesse on Twitter @JesseJenkins and on Google+ here . For now, peruse the archives below, home to over 1200 posts from seven+ years of energy news and commentary from the WattHead team. Stay tuned in Fall 2012 for a revamped and relaunched WattHead - Energy N

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