waverly.social - Waverly

Description: Waverly: The social network for your community, powered by conversational AI.

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Waverly is social media on your own terms.

So, imagine the year is 2005. Facebook is still a novelty for most people. It’s only available to people with a college email address, and has only just started to add features like photo tagging. YouTube is in its infancy. In the following decade, social media will experience a growth explosion and become a core part of most people’s lives. But as social media grows, so do concerns about its impact on society.

Philippe Beaudoin’s experience as a founding engineer of the Chrome machine learning team at Google gave him unique insights into the problems with social media. Through his interactions with various concerned Google employees, including American technology ethicist Tristan Harris (of Netflix documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’ fame), Philippe became concerned about the way algorithms and engagement-driven design were shaping peoples’ lives.