wavesurvey.org - WAVES – Wide Area Vista ExtraGalactic Survey

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News Project Overview Surveys WAVES-Wide WAVES-Deep WAVES-Deep Drill Field ORCHIDSS StePS 4MOST Complete Calibration of the Colour-Redshift Relation (4C3R2) Input Catalogues Catalogues  Data Viewer Mocks auto-z Spectral Simulations TAO simulations People WAVES Executive Team WAVES Project Office 4MOST contributors Science Leads Contact the PIs Key Facilities 4-metre Multi-Object Spectroscopic Telescope Australian–European Southern Observatory Positioner Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy AE

WAVES is a densely packed spectroscopic survey intended to study the underlying structure of the Universe. We plan to reveal the dark matter distribution and its recent evolution by finding and weighing the galaxy groups within our survey regions. We will use the locations and masses of the groups, pairs and galaxies to reconstruct a direct map of the underlying dark matter distribution that underpins our Universe. Further goals are to explore the dwarf galaxy regime in the local Universe, to search for the

WAVES is one of 10 consortium and 8 community surveys that will be conducted in parallel on the newly revamped VISTA telescope at the European Southern Observatory’s Paranal site in Chile. The telescope itself will be renamed 4MOST as it switches from a dedicated near-infrared imaging facility ( VISTA ) to a dedicated multi-object spectroscopic facility ( 4MOST ).

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