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fractal (146) broccoli (59) heavens (14) ijustateabowlof (1) fornoreason (1)

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I like to think that somewhere in heaven their exist an intelligent creator, who planned out that broccoli would look like miniature trees and they would grow in tiny forest like bunches..

Do i love broccoli? I haven’t figure that out yet. Broccoli is never sweet to me. It doesn’t do anything for me taste wise that i can notice. It takes up space, yet doesn’t leave me any more full after i eat.

It’s not even like kale, which is super healthy (if not questionable on a texture consistency bases). Popeye ate spinich. Jack climbed bean stock to higher dimensions. Snoop dog smokes weed and might just be the most successful rapper that ever only rapped…. I’m just saying, broccoli hasn’t tried very hard.