wearetimetravelers.com - We Are Time Travelers * We Are Time Travelers

Description: We explore, select & play music in order to create alternate temporal universes. We Are Time Travelers, a Monthly Radio show on 107.4 grk.fm

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Neuroscience gives us insights into how music creates an alternate temporal universe. The term ‘losing yourself’ receives a clear neuronal correlate. Our ability to encode and decode sequential information, to integrate and segregate simultaneous signals, is fundamental to human survival. It allows us to find our place and navigate in our physical world.

Every 2nd Saturday of the month @ radio GRK 107.4 fm from 22:00-01:00 (Belgium).

WATT is a concept created in 2019 as a platform for artists exposing their experimental sounds, music, drones and / or noises generated by various kinds of machines. There were also early plans for a possible event but than there was Covid and all went silent.

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