webauthor.com - Webauthor: All-in-one business applications

Description: All-in-one business applications that helps you organize, manage and grow your business

blog (29050) forum (7231) crm (6772) project management (5329) content management (1791) document management (499) online community (196) task management software (59) social collaboration (45) client relationship management (32)

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Webauthor  Communities  creates the ideal environment for collaboration, team networking and clear communication channels. Enable partners to immediately connect and relate within the dynamic interface for elevated performance and production.

Quickly and easily modify your web content with the power of Webauthor's Content Manager.  Create, edit and upload content in real time utilizing our intuitive editing tools.  By taking control of your content process, discover firsthand how to maximize cost savings and marketing efforts.

Webauthor's Campaigns application is the ideal solution for extending an effective marketing reach.  Understanding your audiences response to newsletters, emails, and announcements is the key for increased conversion and engagement.

Links to webauthor.com (22)