webonmission.com - Web On Mission | Websites on a mission to reach their target market

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Web on Mission Marketplace is a group of businesses that are hosted by Web on Mission with an extra purpose of supporting ministries. Each vendor or business has their own website.  A small percentage of the online sales goes to the collective fund which supports a different ministry. The chosen ministry for the month sends out information about the web of sites. The vendors are rewarded with potential new customers and the ministry is rewarded with monetary support as customers supports small businesses. I

A local non-profit working with homeless and those in poverty to connect them to the local church.

Web on Mission supports local businesses by helping them present a professional web presence. It is fun and challenging. It also provides me with a unique opportunity to support local and distant ministries with websites that communicate a message. Please feel free to look at the sites I am associated with and leave a comment. If you are interested in a website or promotional material please visit the contact page.

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