webvale.com - T42

Description: T-4-2 is a restaurant in Kefalos on the Greek Island of Kos

restaurant (28127) food (18645) holiday (6332) cafe (5914) greece (2926) greek islands (189) kos (150) eating out (87) kefalos (4) food in kos (1)

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T 4 2 is run by Mary and Tony Walters,  from the south east of England, who have been living in Kefalos since 1999. Mary and Tony spent four years researching the market and opened T 4 2 in 2003 with the aim of creating a relaxed family restaurant whilst providing quality cuisine. Many customers return every year (and several more than once a year!)  The cuisine is English although customers come from Italy, Russia and France as well as the UK. There is a children's play area which is very much appreciated