weedthepeople.us - How To Grow Weed Indoors | Growing Weed Indoors For Fun, Peace, & Profit!

Description: How To Grow Weed Indoors - Growing Weed Indoors For Fun, Medicine, & Profit!

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Learning how to grow weed indoors is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. I love to smoke herb and I’m pretty finicky about what I smoke. I don’t mean to sound like a snob, but I only smoke dank bud and I have my favorite strains, like Kush x NL and Strawberry Ice that I like to stick to if possible. Since my tastes are so specific, I can’t rely on suppliers for my stashes. This makes growing weed indoors my only viable option.

When I first got into growing weed indoors, I thought it would be a simple process. I mean, it’s just a weed, right? And weeds grow everywhere. My buddy who traveled to India has even seen ganja growing out of sidewalks there. I digress though. Like I was saying, I didn’t think there was any great mystery to learning how to grow weed indoors , so I got myself seeds from my favorite strains, growing lamp, some buckets, some soil and some plant feed and off I went.