weigel.hu - Weigel Szilvia

Description: Weigel Szilvia - Full stack fejlesztő, specializálódva a C# .Net, Node.js, React.js és Next.js technológiákra.

next.js (689) node.js (607) react.js (150) c# .net (34) webfejlesztő (15) weigel szilvia (1) full stack fejlesztő (1)

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web development

I like to work on websites, I love CSS and UX. My passion is to improve user experience on websites and to provide the best display of websites in different browsers. I have more than 10+ years experience on creation of webpages, especially on responsive designs in recent years. I continuously develop myself on UX related topics. I manage my time and my responsibilities when working alone and I like to be a useful member of a team. I can set the priorities between requirements, decide what the most importan

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Links to weigel.hu (2)