wellbeing4sustainability.eu - SWEPPP | Sustainable Well-Being - Personal, Professional, Planetary

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In a thrilling virtual kick-off meeting, the SWEPPP team charted the course for an exciting journey ahead! We are looking forward to learning, creating, and sharing knowledge on sustainable well-being with you!

On 28/29 November, our team met in Berlin to develop a sustainable well-being approach and training framework, promoting skills for healthier, sustainable living. Next step: designing the study subjects!

"Sustainable Well-being - Education for Personal, Professional and Planetary Well-being" (SWEPPP) project is based on the idea that achieving sustainable well-being requires a holistic approach, aligning personal, professional, and planetary welfare. It aims to foster wellness across these three dimensions by empowering individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to enact meaningful action. To achieve this overarching objective, the project consortium, composed of higher education institutions (HEIs

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