Description: Discover natural healing with naturopathic medicine in Menlo Park, CA. Visit Wellness Architecture and explore a wide range of functional medicine for optimal health.
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“We believe in healthy till you’re dead. Anxious, tired, in pain, can’t sleep, terrible mood and overweight aren’t inevitable. They are signs that your body is out of balance. And that is where we can change the trajectory of your life.”
If you were asked to make a prediction about the age of someone from behind or from the side, you’d likely be basing your guess on posture. How straight up or how hunched over they stood when they walked. Did they pick their feet up off the floor gingerly, or were they shuffling? Were they limping or walking with ease? If you were to watch my 74 year old yoga teacher walk from behind, you’d think he was in his thirties. Why? Because he is very limber. Besides being thin and having an obviously muscular fram
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