wen.works - All The Language

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Hiya! I'm Wen . I study natural language, programming languages and logical languages. Basically, all the language…

Today, we’re gonna talk about conlangs ! Conlang is short for constructed language . There’s a bunch of famous conlangs. Esperanto is probably the most famous of the idealistic “let’s unite the world” conlangs—it’s pretty old, going back to the late 1870s. In the 1930s, some dude named Jerry Tolkien published a whole series of fantasy novels just to popularise z$5h# 1 and his other conlangs, an effort we can say was at least passably successful. In recent decades, we got tlhIngan Hol , lekh dothraki and Val

Session types. Ostensibly, I’ve studied them for the past few years, so I should know something about them, right? I am gonna try and explain the foundations of session types, and along the way, there will be programs which crash, Victorian ladies having milk puddings, and tin can telephones.

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