westech-cn.com - WESTECH INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LIMITED One Stop Solution For Electronic PCBA

Description: We supply electronic components such as resistors, capacitors, power adapters, PCBs and IC chips to users around the world.We have strong technical R&D teams and companies in China and India.Contact us:[email protected]

capacitors (215) diodes (114) resistor (95) rectifiers (30) charger solution (1)

Example domain paragraphs

We are global renewable energy project development company,based in China , with branch offices in USA,Germany , and Kenyaetc 28 countries in the world .

First-class partner of African and Caribbean countries, Westech brings its expertise principally on energy policy, energy efficiency,renewable energy and carbon finance.

Westech provides assistance and expertise to local authorities,companies and governments in the definition, implementation and financing of their energy strategies and projects.