westernchanfellowship.org - Western Chan Fellowship Zen Retreats Buddhist Meditation Mindfulness UK: Western Chan Fellowship

Description: Western Chan Fellowship, an association of Chan/Zen practitioners

meditation (7101) master (1879) practice (1607) retreat (1558) fellowship (1509) western (1370) retreats (899) chan (151) methods (110)

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Chan is the Chinese ancestor of Zen Buddhism. The Western Chan Fellowship is an association of lay Chan practitioners, a lay Sangha, based in the UK. We are registered as a charity in England and Wales, but we also have contacts in Europe, principally in Norway, Poland, Germany, Croatia and Switzerland, and also in USA. Our Zen retreats and other activities are open equally to both Buddhists and non-Buddhists.

COVID-19 caused a halt in our in-person events but triggered a growth in our online events. In particular, some of our previously 'local' groups are now meeting online and are able and pleased to welcome participation by people who are not local to the group.

There are events held on several weekday evenings, and also weekend daytimes. Visit our Online Events page to see the full list of activities.

Links to westernchanfellowship.org (7)