Description: This is the official web site for the WEST High School Class of 1970
ca (9793) bakersfield (367) class of 1970 (82) west high school (8) claudia moore milazzo (1)
WEST High School Class of 1970
• Ann Wheeler (Linnekens) 8/27 • Tim Easter 3/14 • Larry Parris 3/9 • Diane Colon (Hardcastle) 2/27 • Sherry Spainhoward (Bruce) 12/1 • Kathleen Liguore (Tuckey) 10/6 • Robert McBride 10/2 • Patty Ivester (Lowell) 10/2 • Les Hershberger 9/30 • Steve Raymond (Raymond) 9/24 • Patricia Chafin (McCown) 9/22 • Donald Alley 9/19 • Lacinda Pullen (Mcnatt) 9/19 • Timothy Stewart 9/12 • Larry Odell 9/9 • Cheryl Leverett (Rich) 9/9 • Susan Morris (Kill
Select Classmate Belinda Acha Diane Acha Arlene Adams Betty Adkins Roy Albright Cindy Allen Donald Allen Donald Alley Doreen Anderson Velma Andrews Debra Ashmore Roxann Atwood Don Bailey John Baker John Michael Baker Warren Baker Claude Baker Jr. David Ballew Jeff Banducci Jerry Barker Juila Barrett Lawrence Logan Barton Lawerence Larry Bashor Patricia Bass Michael Beaty Danny Bebout Dorothy "Dotsie" Behill Rosemary Bell Michael Bertolucci Donald Bethell Aka Don C Sandrene Billiard Phillip Blagg Pamela Boco