westlandlondon.com - Westland London | Antique Fireplaces, Antique Chimneypieces & Architectural Antiques

Description: A vast collection of antique fireplaces, chimneypieces, mantels, antique panelled rooms, fire grates, architectural antiques and antique decorations.

mantels (78) antique fireplaces (50) antique lighting (40) antique chimneypieces (2) westland london (2) antique fire grates (2) antique panelling. (2)

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Specialists in antique fireplaces & architectural antiques since 1969

At Westland London, we have over 50 years' experience dealing in prestigious antique fireplaces and fine decorative antiques. Our large London showroom is home to our collection, and our website is updated every week with our latest discoveries.

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