weted.com - Tantramar Wetlands Centre

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The Tantramar Wetlands Centre is a community-based centre of wetlands education specializing in experiential programming aimed at public school students and teachers. Recognized nationally as a centre of excellence, this award-winning project provides exciting wetlands education experiences to over 4,000 visitors annually.

  On May 5 and 6, Tantramar Regional High School’s Envirothon Team competed in the New Brunswick Envirothon Competition at the University of New Brunswick, Saint John campus. Composed of students in grades 10 and 12 with a wide background that includes volunteering with the Tantramar Wetlands Centre, Environmental Science students, farmers and fur harvesters, the team of Casey Murray, Isaac Ayer, Isaiah Ayer, Oliver Priemer, and Joe Kaswell placed First in the overall competition bringing home the Provincia

We are well into our winter program at the Tantramar Wetlands Centre and, with the weather we’re having, I’m sure we could run these activities well into spring. During our tracks and scat activities we talk to our visiting students about all the signs wildlife leave behind during the winter. Students learn that although we often do not see the animal we can tell they’ve been here. How? They leave tracks in the snow, scat along their trail and signs of feeding.