whatifyourenot.com - What If You're Not As F***ed Up As You Think You Are?

Description: Empower yourself and discover tools to overcome limiting beliefs and trauma. Learn to embrace new possibilities with Dr. Adriana Popescu’s newest book: What If You're Not As F***ed Up As You Think You Are?

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In this Launch Event, Dr. Adriana adresses topics and questions about the book.

From the time we come into the world, we are conditioned… By family, friends, school, church, movies, and social media. We form beliefs, programs about ourselves and the world, that are laden with judgment. 

All the conflict in the world is created by judgment; “I’m right, you’re wrong. Our way of thinking is right and yours is wrong. The color of our skin is good and yours is bad. Whom you choose to go to bed with is corrupt and whom I choose to go to bed with is not.”

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