whatsageek.com - What's A Geek – A Miserable Pile of Nerd Rage!

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A Miserable Pile of Nerd Rage!

The What's A Geek! team has received insider information that Zack Snyder is trying to get Henry Cavill (Man of Steel, The Witcher), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman, Red Notice), and Ben Affleck (Justice League, Argo) for a redo of "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" but this time based on Volume 1 of "Trinity" under…

There was once something called the Video Game Adaptation Virus that is almost immediately contracted by any material as soon as it’s developed into adapting a video game into a film or the big screen. This horrific sickness is usually attributed to symptoms such as abysmal writing, campy scenes, wasting the cast’s potential, and overall…