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I have another pre-interview. That’s what I call them: the phone interviews and skype calls that are the coffee date of the job market — no commitment, just checking you out to see if I’m interested first . Playing the field.

I have this image of dogs sniffing butts. It seems, somehow, like that: a bizarre combination of casual and intimate, and, if you’re the interviewee, rather disconcerting.

I tend to feel frustrated with the job search for several reasons. The kids take a lot of time and attention, so it’s hard to get traction. That’s partly psychological, too: more obstacles mean it’s easier to procrastinate, easier to go about the work of finding work in a haphazard way. And I still don’t have a lot of clarity about what kinds of jobs to apply for and how best to focus my energy, though I am finally making strides in that direction after having seen a career counselor through my university’s