wheeltalkfixed.com - Wheel Talk Fixed – FIXED FREESTYLE

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WE CHANGED OUR ADDRESS. It’s been a long time coming, but we’re finally under a universal Wheel Talk identity. We love all bikes and are very stoked on this move, thanks for following us here, but now we invite you to join us on the rest of our journey on WHEELTALK.ORG . Click here to see the new WHEEL TALK WEBSITE .

This bike has it all. The MASH STEEL FRAME has quickly become my favorite build and is the closest thing I’ve had to owning a trick track setup in a really long time. It parts the sea between all my bikes and is literally the perfect middle ground between being a fast track bike and a freestyle build that can handle it all, but most importantly… it can bar spin. I can already feel a resurgence of people looking for setups that have the clearance to kick flip. The MASH steel frame + a little longer fork can

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