whenyoumotoraway.blogspot.co.uk - When You Motor Away...

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This is not music criticism. On this blog, you will only read about music we like.

Kath Bloom is a singer songwriter and folk musician who may be better known among musicians than the general public. But with a career that spans the late '70s to present day, she clearly is a musician worth our ears. Bloom has collaborated with other artists and her work has been covered by Mark Kozelek, Bill Callahan and others.

So, how do you get access to this fine artist's music?  Glad you asked -- Melbourne label Chapter Music is stepping up to deliver the goods. In September, Chapter will release  Finally , the first ever vinyl reissue of Bloom's 1990 recording (the music previously was released in CD format in 2005).  Finally  was compiled from previous recordings which were out of print or otherwise not widely distributed or available. The first single from the reissue is "Come Here", which may well be Bloom's signature tune

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