whiteoconnellphoto.com - South Shore Massachusetts Photographers Susan White and Mark O'Connell. Serving Boston, Norwell, Hanover, and surrounding areas

Description: Susan White is a Pembroke Family Photographer who specializes in Children, High School Seniors, Pets, and Headshots for Business People. Susan White Photography serves the areas surrounding South Shore of Boston, Cape Cod, Norwell, Quincy, Weymouth, Hanover, Marshfield and Duxbury.

family (12210) newborn (1746) high (1517) white (1126) maternity (1110) mark (959) susan (280) baby photos (81) children portraits (57) o'connell (15)

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Welcome to Photography by Susan White. We are a low volume-high quality photography studio and gallery, in a beautiful new location in Pembroke nestled on over three acres of woodlands, surrounded by a nature preserve. Here we create relaxed, natural portraits both indoors and outdoors.

 Our work is available on fine art canvas, or classic lustre finish, all in color or rich warm toned black and white. We pride ourselves on the reputation we've earned in the last thirty years with both our photography AND our customer service. Just ask anyone we've ever worked with.

"Photography by Susan White . . . . . . anything else is just a compromise ! "

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