whiteplanes.co.uk - the white planes picture co - aviation image library. Photographs and videos of aviation and airsports

Description: Professional aviation image library - all kinds of airsports and airplanes in flight. Photographs and video of gliders, sailplanes, fighters, bombers, light aircraft, airliners, helicopters, microlights, balloons, paramotors, clouds, skies, weather, pilots.

military (2808) airplanes (277) helicopters (245) soaring (146) gliding (122) fighters (97) gliders (86) bombers (46) light aircraft (24) airliners (22)

Example domain paragraphs

It is with deep regret that we announce that Neil Stuart Lawson was killed on the 9th of August 2005 in a tragic and unfortunate gliding accident. His photo library is the legacy he leaves behind, and this web site will be left as a tribute to his exceptional work. To view the condolences, please click here.

Neil's parents, Jean and Michael, would like to convey their sincere thanks to all his many kind friends and acquaintances for their comforting messages, cards and letters of condolence at the loss of their dear son. They are truly gratified to hear that his work was so much admired and has given so much pleasure to so many.

all images and parts thereof are the property of the originator copyright the White Planes picture co. - permission to use must be obtained