whoistheantichrist.info - Who Is The Antichrist According To The Bible

Description: Who is the Antichrist according to the Bible and Revelations that was first known by all the early Protestants from studying history and the Bible?

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The truth on antichrist in the Bible was first discovered by all the early Protestants and even the translators of the King James Bible. Why have all the Churches that originated from these Protestants lost this vital truth? This is a very important topic as it also tells us who enforces the mark of the beast which many do not realize also relates to the battle of Armageddon . Our adversary will stop at nothing to prevent Christians from finding or keeping this truth and I am disappointed that he has manage

All these well known and famous people understood scripture and history and knew the Papacy is the antichrist power of Daniel 7 and Revelation 13 and some of these people were also killed by this Church that ruled for 1260 horrid years. “ John Wycliffe, William Tyndale (translated the Bible - Tyndale Bible), Martin Luther, John Calvin, Thomas Cranmer; in the seventeenth century, Bunyan, the translators of the King James Bible and the men who published the Westminster and Baptist confessions of Faith; Sir Is

So what does the bible show to be the origins of antichrist? We find that John said that in his time there were MANY Antichrists and that anyone that denies Jesus came in the flesh is antichrist. 2 John 1:7. This for example would include a Church that denies Jesus came in the flesh by insisting that Christ took on the sinless nature of Mary’s flesh. It may shock you to know that John made it very clear that the origin of antichrist was from the early Church. Note carefully what is said in the following pas